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This photo page is of Family, Friends and Customers.We all enjoy Elk Hunting and the Great Outdoors. Next time you go afield don't forget to take the kids!! It is time well spent and remembered for a lifetime!! May all your shafts fly true and your powder stay dry!!

Who said kids can't have fun in Elk Camp??

Let the kids call em' in for ya!!

Elk Camp 99' Northern Arizona

The 99' Crew in Elk Country!!

Hangin' Around the Campfire with Friends!!
My 99' Arizona Cow!!

My Hunting Partner Dave and his 99' Colorado Cow. Way to go!!

Heres' Dave, again with his 2000' Arizona Cow!!
Here's my buddy Steve and his Awesome Arizona Bull!! My brother and me with my 98' Arizona Cow!!
My Brother Tom's 99' Az. Cow!!
T-bone Ted's 99' Az. Cow!!
Tom,Ted,Two Elk,Toyota!!
Ted and Tom's Hanging!!
Thirsty?? Preparing the Famous Elk Stew!!
Does anybody know these guys?? The hardest part of every trip. Going Home.
My friend Paul's Arizona Bull!! Dave's Arizona Bull!!
Bob Anderson Unit 1, 1997 334.5
Jay & Jerry Eldridge, 6x6 ,Unit 3A 1996